Keeping your identification cards safe, secure, and handy is essential for students and corporate employees. Scratch-resistant ID holders and badge holders make it easier to wear IDs. They also prevent identification cards from being misplaced and protect them from dirt and daily wear and tear. 

Thankfully, SM Stationery carries a wide range of ID card holders, badge holders, lanyards, and more so you never have to worry about losing your ID card!

Depending on your needs, our variety of ID and badge holders includes retractable ID badge holders, ID card holders with metal clips, and soft cases. We carry vertical and horizontal card cases made from high-quality plastic available in hard and soft cases. Get your scratch-proof ID holders in packs of three for your school, office, and government IDs as well as your RFID cards.

If you are in the market for a new lanyard card holder or ID badge holder, you can be sure to get great deals at SM Stationery. You can shop for all of your office and school supplies in one place, making it easy to find everything you need in one convenient location. Shop now at!